Erik Wennegren is shown on the front of the digipack dressed in casual clothes, standing in a wide open space. He has the world under his arm. This represents the love he has for his world and how much he cares about it.

In the centre of the digipak there is a second photo which again shows him in a rural setting looking out and meditiating with his guitar on his lap. We can empathise with the character behind the music. There is also a map which tells of a journey where the aim is to reach the X and therefor yourself.
Inside the digipack there are the lyrics to the song. This gives us a visual aid to the song and can help us identify any messages or meanings in the music.The picture behind the CD holder shows two clasped hands. This represents that the CD needs to be taken care of and it also connotes that the earth is in our hands and we need to take care of it and treat it with love. The colours used are Earthly colours, Green, brown orange and blue.
On the back of the digipack there is another photo of him in the country side. This shows that he cares about the places that mean so much to him .
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